Season 2 of The Equalizer was just released September 20, to the delight of fans. In season 2, Robyn McCall is reeling from the fallout of Delilah’s discovery that her mother is “The Equalizer.” While McCall struggles to reconnect with Delilah, she is dismayed to learn that her vigilante profile is growing exponentially online.
Just as McCall considers ending her work at The Equalizer due to the social chatter and the district attorney’s commitment to bringing her to justice, she takes on an unexpected client: Detective Marcus Dante. Dante approaches McCall to help him find a highly tactical and untraceable group of bank robbers who killed and injured multiple police officers in a recent bank heist. Together, they attempt to run down the criminals and are shocked when their investigation leads them to the highest levels of US intelligence and American politics.
This 4-disc collection includes all 18 episodes, along with exclusive deleted scenes and (my favorite) gag reel.
Be sure to get the season 4 DVD now so you can rewatch your favorite episodes! The Equalizer Season 2 DVD

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