Category Archives: Site News

Site News – Question About Ads and Possible Alternative

First off, the ads should be back to normal for everyone. Somehow I must have turned on a setting that shouldn’t have been, but it’s off now, thank goodness!

But I received a couple of comments that made me think, and I might have come up with a solution for some of you. Apparently there is a way that I can set the ads to not show for specific groups/people. So *if* (and this isn’t a guarantee I’m going to do it) it’s something people would like me to do, I was thinking that if you signed up for a “membership” of sorts, paying some small amount for a year, you could be put into a group that the ads are then turned off for. Maybe there could be perks as well. I don’t do the daily schedules anymore because it was so much work for one person. But I could possibly do those again for the members of that group. Maybe each member could get a discount in the site’s shop to get a mouse pad, mug, or greeting card, or even a T-shirt if they want that I can have made.

Jump with me to read more! Continue reading

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Site News – Something Wrong with Ads – Please Be Patient!

I received multiple emails with screenshots of the intrusive ads, and I have to say that I had no idea they were like that within the page. Have they been like that since I had them put on, or did that just start? They are supposed to be at the very top, the very bottom, one on either side, and one at the very bottom of the sidebar. None of them are supposed to be within the content. They aren’t supposed to cover any content (like a popup of any sort), or be completely obtrusive.

I have an email sent off to the lady I’ve been working with, but it may be tomorrow when she receives it, so please, be patient. I will get these taken care of ASAP!

Please let me know (NICELY! 🙂 ) in the comments or by sending me an email.

Thank you guys!

~ Jenny

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Site News – Total Transparency & Upcoming Change

So one thing I’ve been since the beginning is honest. And to be perfectly honest, my family and I are struggling right now. Owning a house is much harder to adjust to than we thought it might be. And because of the economy, my editing work is slower than it used to be, which means I’m not bringing in as much money. Therefore, we’re having to find other ways to bring in money.

As you all know, this site is a labor of love for me. I make no money from it. I’ve had a donate button on the site for a long time and have had only a couple of donations, and I’ve not had any sales of the merch I had designed and am selling. And believe me, I get it. I’m not begging, and I’m certainly not angry or unhappy about it! I don’t WANT you to have to pay to use my site. It’s supposed to be an easy, fun place to find what you need and share our love of TV.

Unfortunately, I’m going to be doing something soon (within the next couple of days, I think) that I’ve never done before and prided myself on not doing, and that is to have a banner ad. It will likely be located at the top of the page, above even the header. I will not have any pop-up ads, and I won’t have any ads down in the body of the page. Depending on how it goes, we may end up putting another at in the sidebar on the right under everything else or on the outside of the page. But please know I’ll be visiting my page without being logged in so I can see exactly how it looks and behaves for you guys, and if I find it so off-putting that I hate it, it’ll probably come down. I just…need, I think is the right word, to try to do what I can to help support my family. Please know it wasn’t an easy decision, because I know many of you have reached out and thanked me over the years for not having any ads.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. <3 <3

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Site News – Schedule is coming, I promise!

I was so tired last night that I crashed early, so I’m working on finishing the schedule now. It’ll be up as soon as possible!

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Site News: Video Showing Example of Weekly Schedule Workup

I wanted to give you, my readers, a look at how I compile the shows and information for the Weekly TV Schedule on my site. In this hour and twenty minutes, you’ll see me complete the entire Monday schedule plus take what Theresa does for Sunday and add it to my main schedule page. This is on a slow week of new TV due to the holidays, so you can imagine how long it takes for 7 full days of TV on a very busy week!

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