This Week on TV – 4/12/20-4/18/20

Welcome to a new week of TV! Still lots of stuff on, so be sure you check so you don’t miss anything!

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

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This Week on TV – 4/5/20-4/11/20

Welcome to a new week of TV! Lots of stuff on, so be sure you check so you don’t miss anything! I’m home from rehab after the hospital, but I’m still recovering, so I probably won’t do daily schedules this week, but they WILL be back next week! 🙂 Thank you so much for being so patient!

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

Posted in This Week on TV | Tagged | 7 Comments

This Week on TV – 3/29/20-4/4/20

Welcome to a new week of TV! Lots of stuff on, so be sure you check so you don’t miss anything!

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

Posted in This Week on TV | Tagged | 13 Comments

This Week on TV – 3/22/20-3/28/20

Welcome to a new week of TV! It’s a little slower as we near the end of the season due to shows shutting down production because of the COVID-19 craziness. I think most of you saw my previous message, but just an update: I’m still in the hospital. Just waiting for insurance approval to get me into rehab (physical therapy, not drug! LOL) in order to get me stronger before I go home, but it will hopefully be anytime. In the meantime, I was able to sit up enough today to do the schedule. I won’t be able to do the daily ones, but at least we’ll have this one! So enjoy, and thank you, thank you for all the kind words and support!

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

Posted in This Week on TV | Tagged | 7 Comments

I’m Sure You’ve Noticed…

Sorry to do this, but got admitted to the hospital last night (Tuesday night) for some health issues. No, not coronavirus… Will be back, but probably will not have any daily schedules up this week and definitely won’t have any Remote picks this week. Check back next week, assuming I get out of the hospital soon enough, for your regularly scheduled…uh, schedules.


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