Tag Archives: Trial & Error

If We Controlled Your Remote… 4/18/17

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Kyle’s Choice

Tonight, I’m both excited to see how the first season of Trial & Error will come to an end but also sad that these could be the final two episodes of this hilarious NBC series. Last week, Larry’s trial got underway, and the prosecution spent almost 28 days making their case. By the time it was finally the defense’s turn, Summer was starting to look like a suspect, and Josh wanted to put her on the stand in order to cast reasonable doubt for Larry. However, when Josh went against Larry’s wishes and called Summer to the stand, Larry exclaimed that he was guilty of killing Margaret, which was met with cheers from the prosecution and a horrified look from Josh.

Is Larry really guilty of killing his wife? And if not, who is the real killer and what was their motive? Will the judge take Larry’s outburst as a legal admission of guilt, or will Josh find some other way to try to clear Larry that doesn’t involve Summer? This show has been thoroughly entertaining and delightful. Every week the episodes have had me laughing out loud. I can’t wait to see how this trial ends and learn who was responsible for Margaret’s murder. I really hope this series gets picked up and we get to see this misfit defense team work on another case in this hilarious backwoods town!

On the first half of tonight’s 2-episode finale, “The Defense Rests,” Josh focuses on making his final case before closing arguments and takes a huge gamble by putting Larry on the stand. Despite hiring the best witness coach in the South to train him, Larry’s testimony leads to a shocking discovery about Larry’s past that may be too difficult to overcome. Then, in “The Verdict,” the trial is over and the verdict is announced. In other events, a key piece of evidence is found that answers the question of who killed Margaret Henderson.

Catch the two episodes and find out once and for all who killed Margaret Henderson tonight on NBC at a special time of 10:01/9:01c & 10:30/9:30c.

I’ll also be watching/recording The Middle, American Housewife, Fresh Off the Boat, Imaginary Mary, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Prison Break, iZombie, The Americans, Cosplay Melee, and The Detour.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 3/28/17

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight! Also, welcome Phoebe, who will be chiming in every so often on the Remote posts. She’s a big sci-fi and TV fan, so she’ll fit right in!

Jenny’s Choice

They blew up the lab!! Did that freak anyone else out at the end of last week’s Bones, when the lab at the Jeffersonian literally got blown to smithereens?? What a way to take down a set when a show is ending, huh? LMAO Anyway, through the viewpoint of four different characters, we followed each of them from the wedding reception up until the bomb went off. I’m totally going out of order, but here were the highlights: Cam’s purse was messed with at the wedding reception, and her keycard for the lab platform was stolen, which is ultimately how the bombs got smuggled into the lab in the middle of the night. Two prisoners escaped from prison, and Kovac (who was after Booth and his family and killed Max) was one of them – he then killed the other man and escaped. At the reception, Avalon warned Booth that Bones was in significant danger. He started to shrug it off but ultimately took the warning to heart. Bones and Angela had a sweet moment of friendship at the reception. Aubrey asked Jessica to move to LA with him when he goes for his new job. She not only turned him down but she broke up with him completely. Oh, and Angela’s pregnant! I figured that out as soon as she started puking her guts up at Zach’s trial. Speaking of Zach… Caroline did all she could to sway the judge in his favor, even though she was the PROSECUTION. It was sweet. And it worked. Between the evidence and all the testimony, Zach is a free man – as soon as he finishes serving the 13 months for helping the killer in the first place. Finally, back to the bomb… Bones had an epiphany moments before the bomb was discovered to be at the lab, and she ran off to grab the evidence, and that left her, Booth, Angela, and Hodgins (who was slower to get out because of his wheelchair)…TRAPPED IN THE LAB WHEN IT EXPLODED! What the what?!

Obviously they can’t all die, right? I trust Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan and their crew more than that. But will they all come away virtually unscathed? And will they find Kovac and whoever was helping him? Is Cam really leaving the Jeffersonian like she said, at least for six months while she and Arastoo do some traveling? Will Angela’s baby be named Pookie Jr.? I know all (okay, most…) of those answers, since I’ve seen the finale. But you’ll have to find out for yourself. If you’re a fan of the show, I urge you not to miss tonight’s episode. It was made for the fans by the biggest fans of the show, Hart and Stephen, and it’s definitely not-to-be-missed!

On tonight’s episode, “The End in the End,” with Kovac still at large, the team searches for evidence to track him down. After Brennan experiences a setback, the rest of the team must figure out how to find Kovac without her, putting everything she has ever taught them to the test. When all signs point to Kovac having outside help, as well as a hideout, Booth and Brennan go searching for him.

Catch the final episode of a terrific series tonight on FOX at 9:01/8:01c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing NCIS, Trial & Error, Chicago Fire, Chopped, & NCIS: New Orleans.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 3/14/17

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Megan’s Choice

It has been a season for emotional rollercoasters all over the television front this year, but the biggest roller coaster has been brought to us by This Is Us. What an incredible show this has turned out to be, although I knew it would be starting from the very first episode. The writers have gone above and beyond to draw the viewing audience in to the world of this family, leaving us all better for it. My weekly cry fests have been split between this show and Code Black, both shows that play on your heartstrings consistently.

This season has shown us the evolution of a couple, Jack and Rebecca, from the beginning of their marriage and as it evolved when they became parents of triplets. I have been cheering this couple on from the very start, but unfortunately we were told that Jack died along the way. Last episode, Kate finally told Toby that the reason she doesn’t discuss her father’s death is because it was her fault. Not sure where that’s going, but I am sure that wherever it ventures, it will leave us all in tears with more questions. Also on the last episode, Randall and his adorable family bid farewell to William, Randall’s biological father. It was a fun-eral… Instead of the usual depressing stuff at funerals, William wanted the family to celebrate his life. It was a moving and heartwarming episode.

Tonight’s season finale is bittersweet because, while I’m excited to get another new episode, I am also upset that there won’t be any new episodes after this one until next season.

On tonight’s episode, “Moonshadow,” Jack heads to Cleveland to make things right with Rebecca on the night of her first big gig with the band. Randall, Kate, and Kevin make big decisions about their futures.

Find out the big decisions tonight on NBC at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching The Voice, NCIS, NCIS: New Orleans, Bones, Chopped, and Trial & Error.
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