If We Controlled Your Remote… 8/4/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Phoebe’s Choice

Hot on the heels of The Boys, another Garth Ennis adaptation returns for its last season tonight, when Preacher comes back to AMC. For three years we’ve watched badder than a mo’ fo’ minister, Jesse Custer, on his quest to find God. Way back in the pilot, Jesse was imbued with the power of God, insofar as: when he issues direct commands, humans MUST listen and obey. He lost the power along the way but had it once again as he set out to confront his dastardly mother in last year’s finale. Tulip & Arseface were themselves in quite a pickle, on the roadway from Earth to hell, where the transport bus had been ambushed by Nazis. The Nazis were (of course) trying to rescue Hitler, who had been part of Arseface’s original breakout from hell in the first place.

Yo, did I mention this show is twistedly good? Cause it is.

After finally beating the man who killed his father soundly to death, Jesse turned his sights on his grandmother, who was really responsible for most of his childhood suffering. She tried to cage her way out of the brutal reckoning he delivered with a new contract she signed with the devil, but Jesse had zero fucks left to give. If eternal damnation were the price he must pay for killing his depraved Gma, he was all in. Elsewhere on the road to hell, God appeared to offer Tulip a deal, but she declined on account of what a dickhead she regarded Him to be. Nonetheless she did want to follow up on His suggestion Cassidy might be in trouble.

Cassidy? Oh yeah, he’s the alcoholic Irish vampire who happens to be the third Amigo in Tulip & Jesse’s core group. In season two, he was mostly distracted with this pisshole of a vampire named Eccarius, who has developed a cult of humans around himself. For a minute he was in danger from Eccarius, but he managed to outsmart him and turn the wannabe vamp humans against the predator that was victimizing them all. Twist ending on that plot thread tho? Hoover, agent of the Grail (Roman Catholic element) who is also recently a vampire, showed up to abduct Cassidy while the rest of that coven was destroyed by Grail people. So I guess Cassidy did actually need saving, eh?

When Jesse and Tulip reunited, they agreed to the dedicated purpose of saving their undead third wheel. In hell, a surprising rebellion by the Saint of Killers allowed Hitler to claim the throne. This shit is fuccckkkked. But that is exactly where we left off. So I expect a gory, irreverent, and action-packed season four starting tonight. If you’ve never seen an episode, #ketchup.

On tonight’s two-hour premiere, Jesse is rocked by visions of an apocalyptic future as he and Tulip prepare for an all-out assault on Masada, where Cassidy — trapped to a torturous fate — struggles to hang on; Starr and his Grail operatives are ready for them.

Don’t miss the fun start to the new season tonight on AMC starting at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching the Perpetual Grace, Ltd finale because I don’t sleep on brilliant TV. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Pennyworth, & Ripley’s Believe It or Not! are on my watchlist tonight as well.

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