If We Controlled Your Remote… 10/23/22

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Megan’s Choice

It has been an eventful season so far on The Rookie, and it has kept us on the edge of our seats. Rosalind locked Bailey in a steel tube under the floor of an abandoned house that was almost impossible to open without killing her. The tube was gradually filling with water, and Rosalind gave Nolan the choice to come to her to let Bailey live. Rosalind wanted Nolan to kill her and she’d spare Bailey’s life, but Nolan couldn’t do it. He was just too noble. Anticipating his Boy Scout ways, Rosalind made a backup plan and her sidekick shot her in the head as Nolan was taking her out in handcuffs. I was happy she was dead. She really doesn’t deserve anything less. Nolan felt terrible because he was sure Bailey was dead, but the team had saved her and they were reunited. All karma aside, Nolan wouldn’t be Nolan if he had shot Rosalind. Going forward, I see the writers making him struggle with his choice but he’ll come through it. He always does.

On tonight’s episode, “The Reckoning,” Officer John Nolan and a sleep-deprived Celina investigate a cash deposit linked to an old DEA case. Meanwhile, Wesley grows increasingly concerned about his deposition and is shocked when he realizes Elijah’s attorney is a familiar face from his past.

To see how this cold case pans out, tune in to ABC at 10/9c.

I’ll also be watching NCIS: LA, East New York, and Halloween Wars.

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