Category Archives: If We Controlled Your Remote

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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/17/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Phoebe’s Choice

After the deep space time travel adventures of last year, there have been some lineup changes on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which made its season six debut last week. After all, both Coulson and at least one version of Fitz are dead for starters. The team is overall split into two as well, with a space unit and the rest of the team guarding over Earth. Daisey & Jemma are running a skeleton crew on their deep space search for the cryogenically frozen Fitz. They have been off Earth for a half year and fear Fitz could be dead, as the ship he was stored on was split in half.

Back on the third rock from the sun, there was an inter-dimensional breach by a guy who was able to shoot down May’s aircraft. His friend, who was also crossing into our dimension, got trapped in concrete. Mack was the new director, but he was guided by an AI that projected to him as Hologram Coulson. May introduced Mack to her friend Dr. Marcus Benson to try to recruit him to head a new S.H.I.E.L.D. academy. They also needed better science expertise with Jemma & Fitz off world. In space, Jemma found the origin of Fitz’s cryogenic pod that they found, broken in the wreckage of his ship. She wanted to go straight there, but the rest of the crew was homesick and wanted to at least regroup first. They were attacked by much larger ships though, and Jemma seized upon the moment to enter the co-ordinates of where she believed Fitz went.

From the guy who got frozen in concrete, the people on Earth got the co-ordinates of where the extra-dimensional travelers leader, Sarge, was going to come through. He croaked a cryptic warning before finally dying also. They got to the museum where the breach was about to occur, but the invaders destroyed the building and a whole Fury Road-styled 18-wheel truck blasted through a portal and almost killed May. The big reveal: this Sarge guy was a Coulson lookalike with no memory or knowledge of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Whut?? Crai. So Coulson died, but dude came back as two versions of himself anyway?? You go, girl. No, but seriously, this show is always fun, and this season is going to be a quicker ride than we are used to – it is only a 13-episode summer run. So far it seems as promising as any of the other marvelous recent seasons. MCU marches forth!

Oh, and our last reveal of last episode was that Fitz is indeed alive and working in some workshop with aliens, speaking in their language.

On tonight’s episode, “Window of Opportunity,” while Fitz and Enoch struggle in space, Sarge and his team move forward with their mysterious mission on Earth.

See Fitz’s struggle tonight on ABC at 8/7c.

I’ll also be watching Doom Patrol. There’s only two more episodes of that, so #ketchup. Also, check out The New Negroes on Comedy Central, featuring Open Mike Eagle, who I interviewed a few summers ago!

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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/16/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

When a big, long-running show ends, it usually marks the end of an era, and that’s truly the case with tonight’s series finale of The Big Bang Theory. All season, we’ve been seeing repeat guest stars, story lines wrapping, and the show preparing the characters and the audience for the end. That’s why getting advance notice of a series ending is so important. That doesn’t mean everything will wrap up with a nice and tidy bow. As of last week, Raj is single again. Sure, he may have a “meet cute,” romance-movie moment where he meets a woman and it looks like she’s the one. But that’s all it’ll be, since we won’t get to see their relationship grow like we have the others – including Stuart and Denise, who said their I-love-yous and agreed to move in together last week! I do hope we at least see Raj get his “moment,” though. And surely one of the characters will be pregnant… Will it be Amy & Sheldon? We know both are open to and/or want kids. Or will it be Penny & Leonard, who are on opposite sides of that wish? Or…will no one end the show with another kiddo on the way? Will Sheldon & Amy win the Nobel Prize? Surely they will, right? Now that Leonard’s relationship with his mom is in as good a place as it can be, there’s no other parental relationship up in the air…except for Howard’s father. Will the series end without so much as a single visit? Or maybe a repeat visit from his surprise brother, who we’ve only seen and heard of that one episode? Ahhh! So much to think of and only an hour left…

Of course, then after the Young Sheldon finale, there’s the half-hour special, where we get a look back at the show, so if you’re a fan, you won’t want to miss it!

On tonight’s first episode, “The Change Constant,” Sheldon and Amy await big news.

Then on “The Stockholm Syndrome,” Bernadette and Wolowitz leave their kids for the first time; Penny and Leonard try to keep a secret; Sheldon and Amy stick together; and Koothrappali makes a new friend, as the gang travels together into an uncharted future.

Later tonight, on “Unraveling the Mystery: a Big Bang Farewell,” actors Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco host a retrospective look at the show, sharing backstage secrets, unforgettable clips, personal memories and favorite moments; features tours of the iconic sets.

Don’t miss the exciting and emotional 1-hour series finale starting at 8/7c and the 30-minute special at 9:31/8:31c, both on CBS.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/15/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Megan’s Choice

Chicago Med has had a lot of the doctors falling apart lately, in their personal lives especially. Ethan is worried about his sister because she keeps hanging on to that older loser who she had a son with, even though he’s been unable to keep a job or show any sign of maturity. April is trying to help, but it has been putting a strain on her relationship with Ethan, which I hope gets rectified soon so they can get back together. Will is very suspicious of Natalie’s new boyfriend and thinks she is being reckless bringing her son around him so quickly. I have to agree with Will and think Natalie should be more careful. I’m interested to see what happens with Will and Natalie in the long run, but I’m most interested in seeing what happens with Dr. Rhodes in the next two episodes because he’s leaving show after this season.

On tonight’s episode, “Forever Hold Your Peace,” Caroline has news to share, forcing Dr. Charles to make a serious decision about their relationship. Maggie meets her sister’s new boyfriend but discovers danger may lie ahead. Dr. Rhodes experiences a devastating loss, while Dr. Choi and April are faced with an unexpected challenge that strengthens their relationship.

To find out if the loss Connor experiences is his father or someone/something else, tune in to NBC at 8/7c.

I’ll also be watching Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, MasterChef, Riverdale, Whiskey Cavalier, and Guy’s Grocery Games.

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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/14/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

Last week’s FBI hit way too close to home for Maggie in a couple of different ways. First up was the victim of the case-of-the-week, another FBI agent who was also married to an FBI agent. Maggie had been at Quantico with the victim’s wife, so she was friends with the couple. So his murder hit her hard, and she knew how his widow was feeling, since her husband had also been killed. But during the case, in which they figured out the lawyer killed him and a gang member and caught the gang leader who in turn killed the lawyer, they also figured out that the victim had been cheating on his wife. Only, when Maggie finally told her at the end, it turned out she already knew. That’s when Maggie learned from Kristen that Maggie’s husband had been exchanging late-night phone calls with a woman before his death. Kristen couldn’t tell her if those calls were business or personal, but we know that Kristen told OA that there didn’t seem to be any business reason for him to have called her. Right at the end, we saw Maggie go to the woman’s work and ask to see her. What we don’t know is what Maggie learned. I don’t know if we’ll find that out in tonight’s season finale or if we’ll just be left to speculate. Given the episode description, I think we’ll find out… Either way, it’s been a fun first season, and I can’t wait for season two already.

On tonight’s episode, “Closure,” a woman with information about the death of Maggie’s husband is abducted leading the team to uncover a criminal operation larger than anyone imagined. Also, Dana puts her career in jeopardy by standing by and allowing Maggie to work on the case, which has such a personal connection to her.

Don’t miss the chance to get more answers to Maggie’s husband’s death tonight on CBS at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing American Housewife, MasterChef Junior, NCIS, Chopped, & NCIS: New Orleans.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/13/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Kyle’s Choice

Tonight, the second season of FOX’s first-responder drama 9-1-1 comes to a close. In last week’s episode, Chimney took over as interim captain while Bobby remained suspended from the LAFD, and his first call was to help save a man from drowning in a vat of chocolate. Meanwhile, Maddie decided she wanted to quit her job as a 911 operator, believing that she wasn’t really helping anyone. However, her boss arranged for a surprise visit from many of the would-be victims she helped to save, in hopes of changing her mind.

Over the past few episodes, Eddie’s wife Shannon had returned to bond with their son Christopher. However, in this episode, she realized she was still not ready to be a mother to her son and suggested that she and Eddie get a divorce. However, she later turned up in a major accident and died on the scene. As the episode ended, the team had just recently been sent on a call for a mail bomb, when Bobby and Athena saw a TV news report of a second mail bomb. With a serial bomber on the loose, should we be worried about losing one of our favorite characters in tonight’s finale?!

I really enjoy the fast-paced nature of this show, and the calls the team responds to are always out of the ordinary and sometimes somewhat amusing. The series also does an excellent job mixing in character-centric episodes to give us back stories on the main characters and help us to understand their motivations and get to know their personal lives. The series has already been picked up for a third season, and FOX just announced a spin-off starring Robe Lowe, 9-1-1: Lone Star, so there’s plenty more to come!

On tonight’s finale, “This Life We Choose,” a stunt driver is caught in a hairy situation; a teenage social influencer is bugging out; the city is on high alert after two mail bombs go off; Eddie’s family comes to town; Buck faces a life-or-death situation.

To see if anyone’s life is in danger at the end of the season tonight on FOX at 8/7c.

I’ll also be watching/recording The Fix, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow, and Chernobyl.

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