If We Controlled Your Remote… 10/27/17

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

The majority of Sandstorm, including leader Shepherd, went down in last season’s finale. Top people from the government gathered in the Secret Service bunker, thinking it was the good guys, but it turned out the guy running the whole show was working for Shepherd. Weller worked with another guy to take the guy down and get back to FBI headquarters. Thankfully, the team was able to stop Shepherd’s ultimate plan to destroy the entire Eastern seaboard, including the White House, which was going to be holding a full cabinet meeting. Jane and Weller arrested her and took over the ambulance that held the nuclear material. After fighting Roman and zapping the GPS thing that was leading more nuclear material toward the White House and allowing Patterson to take control of it…the US was safe, Sandstorm was taken down, but Jane allowed Roman to escape because she couldn’t bring herself to shoot him. The team celebrated 24 hours later, although several of them were questioning whether or not they wanted to stay with the FBI. Then Jane showed up, and she and Weller…well, I love yous were finally exchanged on both sides and they officially became a couple.

Of course, then in true Blindspot fashion, we flash forwarded two years (although the episode description for tonight says 18 months…so…). Jane was climbing up some cliff and then talking with a monk, who told her it was time to go home. Then at her temporary home (a tent), SURPRISE! It was Weller…who was wearing a RING that Jane seemed shocked and happy to see. It seemed like a happy reunion, but we got no explanation for why they were apart and why he was wearing a ring, because he then informed her that Zapata, Reade, and Patterson had all been kidnapped. He had a small metal thing that, when both of them put their fingers on it, lit up with the image of a bird that corresponded with the tattoo on Jane’s neck. When they put the metal up next to the tattoo, every tattoo on her body lit up like they were under a black light. Then the episode faded to black.

What the heck? What happened in that two years (or 18 months…) after they took down Shepherd? Who has Zapata, Reade, & Patterson? And why the heck are Jane’s tattoos GLOWING?! I can’t wait to find out starting with tonight’s premiere!

On tonight’s episode, “Back to the Grind,” eighteen months after parting ways under mysterious circumstances, the FBI team is brought back together by a new crisis.

See if we get any answers tonight on NBC at 8/7c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing MacGyver & Blue Bloods.
Jump with us to see else we think you should watch.

Megan’s Choice

Blue Bloods is always a great ending to a busy week, and even after all these seasons, I am still excited to see it. Last week’s episode, Danny and Baez investigated the death of a cop involved in a case to put a gangster away. They spent a lot of time trying to prove that he died because of the gangster trying to put a lid on the case. It turned out that it was actually the detective’s wife and his partner who were responsible for killing him. This case really threw Danny for a loop because he was distracted by the grieving widow act because of his grief over losing Linda.

I’m curious as to how they plan on showing Danny healing and moving on without being insensitive to the situation at hand. While I do hope that Danny finds love again, I just hope they don’t rush it.

On tonight’s episode, “The Forgotten,” Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a single mother whose ex-husband has a history of violence. Also, Frank deals with the fallout when Mayor Dutton eliminates solitary confinement in prisons, and Jamie’s efforts to save a young woman who overdosed on drugs has unexpected consequence.

To find out what consequence Jaime encounters, tune in to CBS at 10/9c.

I’ll also be watching Blindspot and MacGyver.

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