Author Archives: Jenny

This Week on TV – 2/9/25-2/15/25

It’s another good week of TV, although it’s gonna be a pretty dead Sunday (Go Chiefs!), but after Sunday, there’s a lot on, so be sure to check the schedule so you don’t miss anything!

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

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Site News: Real Talk

First off, let me just say that I am incredibly grateful for everyone who takes the time to visit this site, even if you never comment or interact. There wouldn’t be a site if I didn’t have viewers.

But I am TIRED, y’all. I started this site in 2007. And while it’s great that the site has evolved, when coupled with the growth of streaming and network shows, it means a lot more work. And aside from some great help some of the time, I’ve done the schedule primarily alone. I personally prefer the daily schedules, but I’ve had to cut them out simply because just doing the weekly is enough work. I literally spend ALL of my Saturday every week on the schedule. Sometimes I work on it off and on Friday and STILL have to spend the majority of my Saturday on it. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a labor of love. But that is one of only two days that I should be able to spend with my family, going grocery shopping, playing board games, catching up on shows we like to watch together. But I simply can’t. And while I love my work as a fiction book editor, sometimes I get so busy that it’s tough because I have to virtually do no work at all on the weekends because I do the schedule on Saturday and spend Sunday with my family. I know I sound like I’m complaining, and I am, but I don’t mean it as COMPLAINTS. I’m just literally stating facts.

So what does that mean? I need help. I have Taylor’s wonderful help doing Saturday. But if I don’t want to find myself in tears on Saturday afternoons or dreading the weekends, I need another person or two who can help take like…Tuesday and Friday (the least busiest days, generally, aside from Saturday) off my plate. If I can’t find help soon, I may just have to shut the site down to save my sanity. I HATE that thought. It’s been 18 years. EIGHTEEN YEARS. That is INSANE. To shut it down would be absolutely heartbreaking, because I literally feel like it’s my second child. But for a while, it’s felt like more of a burden than a gift, and I hate that.

So if you’re at all interested and have some time on Fridays or Saturday mornings to help with Tuesday or Friday, please, please send me an email.

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This Week on TV – 2/2/25-2/8/25

Howdy howdy! There’s a lot on this week, so be sure to check the schedule so you don’t miss anything!

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

Posted in This Week on TV | Tagged | 7 Comments

This Week on TV – 1/26/25-2/1/25

It’s another good week of TV, with shows returning from the winter break, so be sure to check the schedule so you don’t miss anything!

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

Posted in This Week on TV | Tagged | 6 Comments

This Week on TV – 1/19/25-1/25/25

It’s another good week of TV, so be sure to check the schedule so you don’t miss anything! Also, there will be no daily schedules this week because of time. Sorry.

Don’t forget to comment or Tweet @tvismypacifier to let us know what YOU are planning to watch!

Jump with me to view this week’s schedule. Continue reading

Posted in This Week on TV | Tagged | 10 Comments