Category Archives: If We Controlled Your Remote

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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/24/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

I’m excited because Blindspot is back tonight (after the last one over a month ago!), with just three episodes left to go this season. Last time, a huge corporate party was invaded by security and everyone was required to relinquish all their electronics. Turned out there was a data breach, and what had been stolen were the files that contained launch codes to a satellite the company, alongside the DOD, had developed that was armed with missiles, currently in space, and fully operational. Eek! The team (minus Jane & Weller) investigates and figures out that one of the senior VPs had a kid with an insulin pump, and when the files couldn’t be found anywhere else, they knew they had to be on the pump. They assumed it was the kid’s father, but it actually turned out to be his mother…who was a Russian sleeper agent or something. They (including Weller & Jane now) cornered her where she was hiding out with her son and about to give the files over to the Russians, but Weller convinced her to do the right thing by her son.

Meanwhile, we met Weller’s mother, who got addicted to Oxy and now owes a bad guy a lot of money. She’s didn’t abandon her kids to their abusive father. She was going to take them with her but couldn’t because he would have killed them all. Weller eventually forgave her, paid off her debts, and said he’d get her into rehab.

And finally, Rich and Patterson met with crazy Kathy, the third of the trio of Three Blind Mice. She had been released from prison on good behavior, Unfortunately, Rich and Patterson realized she’d already done a bank hack, and it led them to her apartment. She was all happy happy joy joy, even saying she was going to get married and she wanted them to be in the wedding party. She dressed Patterson up in a HORRIBLE gown, but Rich was pretty happy with his tux. LOL Surprise, surprise. In the end, they bribed her with $$ to stop hacking, but that’ll never work…especially since her new partner-in-crime to take Rich and Patterson down is none other than…Dominic! Dun dun dun!

On tonight’s episode, “Coder to Killer,” a horrifying and vengeful villain threatens the FBI. Weller considers his priorities. Zapata and Reade try to navigate their living situation. Patterson explores a budding interest.

Find out Patterson’s new interest and what priorities Weller needs to consider tonight on NBC at 8/7c.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/22/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

On the previous episode of SEAL Team, the team jumped out of the plane in order to hike to their target, but Ray’s chute didn’t open. It took a while for them to figure out that his backup HAD opened, but they believed he’d landed in enemy territory. The higher-ups said to finish their objective and Ray would meet them at the exit point. But Jason and the others talked to Blackburn and got the okay to go into enemy territory and find him. It was a very good thing they did, because it wasn’t long before he was found and on the run. Although I did love him hanging in the tree and trying not to move while the two men were below him. If it weren’t for the dang knife he’d dropped! While on the run, Ray sneaked into a small village (which made me very happy to live where I do…) and ended up taking a woman hostage when she walked into her home and found him. He threatened her life if she yelled out to the other villagers, but his crisis of faith finally came to a head when (I think?) she started praying. He realized he couldn’t just execute her, that if this was God’s plan, then he’d either get caught or escape before she could alert them. He finally let her go and ran out the back, and just before he could get captured or killed, his team appeared. Then Mandy spoke to her counterpart in that area and was able to convince her (ie: bribe her with the leaked location of a terrorist her country wanted, even though Mandy giving her the location would be without her boss’s boss’s boss’s or whatever consent) to send in a rescue helicopter to grab the team – and grab them they did. They lowered a rope, and each member clipped themselves to it, and off it went, the team flying on the rope in a row below it! It was awesome.

Other big news was Stella came to visit Clay to see how he was doing. He told her all about Swanny and the fight he’s now undertaken on Swanny’s behalf. It was a good visit, and I actually have hope that MAYBE there will be a reunion between the two of them. Clay also visited his father in the hopes that maybe his dad will take the fight on himself and use his position at the public access TV to help out. And FINALLY, Lisa went to visit her sister in order to invite her to her OCS graduation, and the visit didn’t go well. Her sister blames her for their other sister’s death, and she was kind of a witch to Lisa. She didn’t show at the graduation, which meant Lisa had no one there to support her and see her graduate…until Clay slid into the reserved seat. It was a sweet moment.

So tonight’s finale… Stella and Ash Spencer are back, so hopefully we’ll see some movement on the Clay/Stella and Clay/Swanny’s medal/TBIs fronts. And Commander Shaw is back, which means he’s still going to try to split up the team. I mean, even if he does, it can’t last, since without the team, there wouldn’t be a show, and it’s already been renewed for next season. Still… I hope if he does split them up, it doesn’t last long into next season!

On tonight’s episode, “Never Out of the Fight,” Bravo team’s future is on the line when Commander Shaw recommends they be split up, but Jason’s unit has one final mission to prove him wrong.

Find out Commander Shaw’s decision tonight on CBS at 10/9c.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/21/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

Last week’s NCIS focused on two main story lines. First, the case, in which a homeless couple (the man in army fatigues) were shocked when a body fell off the overpass right near their tent and landed on a fence pike. Ouch. Turned out the victim was one of a team of five who had taken down a major terrorist a few years before, and while two of them died during the operation, the other three ended up stealing about three million dollars from the terrorist. Our guys thought they were dealing with the victim’s wife, but she turned out to be an imposter – the foreign former girlfriend of one of the other men – who was in the victim’s house trying to find the brooch the soldiers had bought overseas before coming home (worth $2.8 million!). In the end, of course, they got the killer woman before she could leave the country.

But the other story line was Gibbs, who seemed distracted right from the start and who actually left a crime scene in the middle of the investigation. He called Grace (the psychiatrist, played by the fantastic Laura San Giacomo, who needs her own spin-off of this show!), and they met at a bar. He told her about killing the man who’d killed his family, about telling his team about it the week before, and finally told her he wanted her to drive him to the police station to turn himself in. He was concerned about what his team would think of him now – and honestly, I was a bit irritated with the way McGee and Bishop acted to him, which sort of confirmed his worries. And although Grace convinced him not to turn himself in, she also brought up the subject about his retiring, which he quickly shot down. So I guess we’ll see in tonight’s finale if McGee and Bishop stop looking at him like they don’t know who he is anymore and realize nothing has changed. Of course, from the description and title of tonight’s episode, it’s still going to be part of the central story line!

On tonight’s episode, “Daughters,” former FBI Agent Tobias Fornell pleads with Gibbs to do whatever is necessary to take down drug dealers and suppliers in the area after his daughter, Emily Fornell, is hospitalized from an opiate overdose. Gibbs is haunted by the personal aspects of the case and his history with vigilante justice.

Find out if Fornell loses his daughter and how Gibbs & his team handle his past tonight on CBS at 8/7c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing American Housewife, MasterChef Junior, Blood & Treasure, & Chopped.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/20/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Phoebe’s Choice

This past season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow could easily have been re-branded as Sarah Lance and the Spooky Kids, considering the show’s hard shift into matters of mystical origins. After season three (in which we saw Damian Darhk make his third run at being an Arrowverse Big Bad), this show is now nothing but time anomalies of a magical nature. For example, the penultimate episode of season four last week saw John Constantine was on a quest to hell to save Ray. Neron, the evil demon possessing Ray’s body, was using the Ray Palmer identity to promote this new phone app that will track mystical creatures. The Fairy Godmother, Tabitha, was loose too, attached to geeky Time Bureau intern Gary.

Nora Dahrk was on the scene and trying to stop Neron, but she was outmatched. With constant prodding from Tabitha, Gary finally started to get mean to the Legends. He was really just serving as a spoiler that distracted the team as Neron attempted to fake a monster attack to get his app better promotion. As it turned out, the silver lining for him was that the TOS of the app signed over the users’ souls to him. If he could get his app to go viral, he’d ascend to a position of dominance in hell.

Speaking of, Constantine finally got through to the Triumvirate, a trio of demons that oversaw much of hell together. They tortured him with the reminder that an innocent girl named Astrid remained in hell due to his past failures. Failing in all other attempts to stop Neron, Nora agreed to take Tabitha’s curse, thinking her wish-granting powers would allow her to rescue John & Ray from hell. But, no, in assuming the curse, she also assumed the charge: Gary. Constantine failed in his attempt to rescue Astrid. She’d been corrupted by hell and chose to remain there despite Constantine’s bargain to have her released. But perhaps we’re saved, because Gary did dispatch Fairy Godmother Nora Dahrk to hell to save her friends. Last but not least, the dragon egg that was hidden at young Zari’s house began to hatch, foreshadowing perhaps this year’s Beebo will be a baby dragon that whups serious ass!

On tonight’s episode, “Hey, World!” while on a mission to find Ray, Constantine and Nora discover Neron’s evil plan. Nate convinces the Legends to think outside the box and suggests a dangerous plan to unite magical creatures and people to save the world.

Learn Nate’s dangerous plan tonight on The CW at 8/7c.

I’ll also be watching American Dad!
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/19/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Kyle’s Choice

Tonight, the Game of Thrones series finale airs on HBO. Last week we lost several of the show’s main characters. Daenerys questioned Jon’s and Tyrion’s loyalty for sharing the information about Jon’s true lineage with others. Tyrion revealed that Varys was plotting against the queen, so she had him executed. Before the battle for Kings Landing began, Tyrion begged Daenerys to call off her attack if the people of King’s Landing rang the bell of surrender, and she reluctantly agreed. The next morning, the attack was executed flawlessly, and Daenerys used the blinding sun to take out the Iron Fleet and blow open the city gates. Meanwhile, Jon led the attack on the ground with what remained of the Unsullied and Dothraki armies. The Golden Company was on the run. They dropped their weapons, and the bells signaling surrender were rung. However, Daenerys saw the city that used to belong to her family and decided to burn Kings Landing to the ground, sentencing hundreds of thousands of incident civilians to a fiery death. When Grey Worm saw Daenerys burning the city, he took this as an opportunity to get revenge for Missandei’s execution and spurred on a riot on the ground, causing the army to start massacring and assaulting the unarmed soldiers and civilians. Jon just looked on in horror.

Meanwhile, Arya and The Hound made their way to the city, each with a different target. The Hound wanted to kill his brother, while Arya was after Cersei. However, The Hound convinced Arya that her suicide mission was not worth it, so she decided to head back but hit obstacle after obstacle as the city crashed and burned. Elsewhere, the big showdown between The Hound and The Mountain ultimately resulted in both of them falling to a fiery death. Jaime had also made his way to the city, looking for Cersei. After being severely wounded in a fight with Euron on the shore, he stumbled up to the Red Keep, where he was reunited with his one true love/twin sister. However, as the pair tried to escape, they were trapped and crushed by falling rubble in the caverns below the city.

So how will this all end tonight? Daenerys has become the spitting image of her father, the Mad King. Tyrion and Jon must now realize that she is not the right person to sit on the throne, and something must be done to stop her. However, she still has her army and a fire-breathing dragon. What army does Jon have behind him? Will the Wildlings return to help Jon? Will Jon defeat Daenerys and claim the throne under his real name? Or else who will ultimately sit atop the throne? I can’t wait to see how this all ends tonight!

Don’t miss the 80-minute series finale tonight on HBO at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching/recording Good Girls, Supergirl, Killing Eve, A Discovery of Witches, and Barry.
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