First off, let me just say that I am incredibly grateful for everyone who takes the time to visit this site, even if you never comment or interact. There wouldn’t be a site if I didn’t have viewers.
But I am TIRED, y’all. I started this site in 2007. And while it’s great that the site has evolved, when coupled with the growth of streaming and network shows, it means a lot more work. And aside from some great help some of the time, I’ve done the schedule primarily alone. I personally prefer the daily schedules, but I’ve had to cut them out simply because just doing the weekly is enough work. I literally spend ALL of my Saturday every week on the schedule. Sometimes I work on it off and on Friday and STILL have to spend the majority of my Saturday on it. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a labor of love. But that is one of only two days that I should be able to spend with my family, going grocery shopping, playing board games, catching up on shows we like to watch together. But I simply can’t. And while I love my work as a fiction book editor, sometimes I get so busy that it’s tough because I have to virtually do no work at all on the weekends because I do the schedule on Saturday and spend Sunday with my family. I know I sound like I’m complaining, and I am, but I don’t mean it as COMPLAINTS. I’m just literally stating facts.
So what does that mean? I need help. I have Taylor’s wonderful help doing Saturday. But if I don’t want to find myself in tears on Saturday afternoons or dreading the weekends, I need another person or two who can help take like…Tuesday and Friday (the least busiest days, generally, aside from Saturday) off my plate. If I can’t find help soon, I may just have to shut the site down to save my sanity. I HATE that thought. It’s been 18 years. EIGHTEEN YEARS. That is INSANE. To shut it down would be absolutely heartbreaking, because I literally feel like it’s my second child. But for a while, it’s felt like more of a burden than a gift, and I hate that.
So if you’re at all interested and have some time on Fridays or Saturday mornings to help with Tuesday or Friday, please, please send me an email.