Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!
Kyle’s Choice
Last week’s episode of The Flash was amazing—and so eventful! Mark Mardon, the brother of the pilot episode’s Weather Wizard Clyde, returned to Central City, looking to get revenge on those responsible for his brother’s death. Meanwhile, Barry and Linda inadvertently went on an awkward double-date with Eddie and Iris—and there was a lot of flirting between Barry and Iris, which wasn’t lost on Eddie or Linda. Back at the lab, Cisco confronted Doctor Wells about his connection to the Reverse Flash, and in true supervillain fashion, he told Cisco EVERYTHING—that his real name is Eobard Thawne, that he is the Reverse Flash, and that he is from the future and had traveled back in time to try to kill Barry but accidentally murdered Barry’s mother instead. After his long speech, Wells killed Cisco. Elsewhere, Barry was running extremely fast to try to stop the tsunami created by Mark and inadvertently broke the space-time continuum and ended up in the past, reliving that same day.
When Cisco was killed in last week’s episode, I was surprised but only worried for a few seconds. At the beginning of the episode, when there was a scene with someone comically spilling a drink all over themselves, I suspected we might be getting a Groundhog Day-style episode, and that was a cue for us and Barry to remember. However, Barry doesn’t know the truth about Wells or what he’s about to do to Cisco—so will he change enough things in his do-over of the day to cause those events to never happen? Or is Cisco just predestined to confront Wells and die? Now that Barry has discovered that he can travel through time, what will he do with that power? And if Wells’s plan was to kill Barry, why is he keeping him around—what is his ultimate goal?
On tonight’s episode, “Rogue Time,” the Flash learns that Captain Cold and Heat Wave have returned to Central City, and that Snart has brought along his sister Lisa to help wreak havoc on the town.
Find out what happens in Central City tonight on The CW at 8/7c.
I’ll also be watching/recording Fresh Off the Boat, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Forever, Undateable, One Big Happy, The Mindy Project, iZombie, Justified, Cougar Town, and Face Off.
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