Tag Archives: TNT

If We Controlled Your Remote… 3/17/15

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

izombiesmallAnyone who knows me knows I’m a huge Veronica Mars fan, so when I learned that Rob Thomas had created a new show called iZombie, I was in, regardless of the subject matter. Thankfully, the story itself seems like it’ll be a lot of fun. Rose McIver stars as Olivia “Liv” Moore (*snicker* Live more?), a medical resident who was suddenly turned into a zombie. She transfers to the city morgue for the easy access to brains, breaks things off with her soul mate (played by the sexy Robert Buckley from One Tree Hill), and tries to “live” her life as best she can. Then she figures out that with every brain she eats, she gets “visions,” which turn out to be the corpse’s memories, so with the encouragement of her boss, she works with a newbie homicide detective, using those “visions” to help solve the murders of those people whose brains she consumed.

Sounds fun, right? I hope so… I’m not a huge fan of shows on The CW. The only ones I watch every episode of are Whose Line Is It Anyway and Penn & Teller: Fool Us—I haven’t watched a non-reality show on The CW since One Tree Hill. So I’m *hoping* I like this one enough to stick with it. If anyone can make me do that, it’s Rob Thomas. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that Robert Buckley and David Anders (who will always be Julian Stark from Alias to me) are on the show as well. Hellooooo, eye candy! 😉 I really love them both in everything I’ve seen them in, so…) Also starring are Aly Michalka, Malcolm Goodwin, Molly Hagan, & Rahul Kohli.

Kyle did a press room interview for the show, which you can view on his site, NoReruns.net.

On tonight’s episode, “Pilot,” an overachieving medical resident who recently became a zombie transfers her residency to the city morgue, where she feeds on brains, but every time she does, she experiences some of the corpse’s memories, sometimes providing clues to how they died.

Meet a new kind of zombies tonight on The CW at 9/8c.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 3/10/15

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

rizzoliisles310smallI’m really enjoying this second half of season 5 of Rizzoli & Isles. Last week, on the personal side of things, Jane was worried about her mom’s spending habits being out of control now that she had a new job. And with Angela getting three new credit cards and spending quite a bit like she was, I could see why Jane was worried. After Maura (at Jane’s behest) stepped in and tried to talk to Angela about it, Angela busted Maura on her own binge spending. The difference, to me, is that Maura can clearly afford it. She isn’t living beyond her means, even if she does spend way too much shopping for things that do nothing but sit in a closet. Still, in the end, Angela cut up two of the cards, promised that she would be responsible while still splurging every so often, and helped Maura pare down her closeted things. On the case side, Jane and Korsak investigated when a “green” clothing designer was killed. During their investigation, they thought at first that the victim was into something shady, then thought his wife was, but in the end, both of them were innocent. Then they thought they’d found the murderer when they came across the van that had been seen speeding away from the crime scene and a smell was coming from it, but it turned out to be filled with trash a PI had gathered as part of his cases. And that PI turned out to be innocent and actually a big help with not only finding the victim’s killer but getting him to confess. (And of course it turned out to be all about drugs…) I adored the PI because the chemistry between him & Jane was phenomenal. I do hope he comes back!

Next week is the 2-hour season finale, which makes me very sad. 🙁 But it’s already been renewed for season 6, so I’m happy about that! I just wish we didn’t have to wait several months at least for it to come back!

On tonight’s episode, “In Plain View,” after a man is found bludgeoned to death on the side of the road, Jane and the squad team up with another detective who believes he is hunting the same roadside killer. Meanwhile, Maura discovers she has had her identity stolen and recruits Angela to help track down the culprit.

See if Angela can find the identity thief and if the squad can catch the killer tonight on TNT at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing Hell’s Kitchen, NCIS, Repeat After Me, 19 Kids & Counting, Married at First Sight: the First Year, NCIS: NOLA, Chicago Fire, Chopped, Restaurant Startup, & Cougar Town.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 2/17/15

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

rizzoliandisles217smallMy first pick tonight is the winter premiere of Rizzoli & Isles. This season has been really rough. The team learned about Frost’s death and Jane was dealing with her pregnancy when she ended up losing the baby during a case gone bad. Meanwhile, Maura’s relationship with her professor boyfriend is really going well, and before the break, she met his 12-year-old daughter, which went well. Jane and the team are still reeling from Frost’s death, and things are up in the air with Angela, who quit her job and broke up with Cavanaugh to start fresh (sounds like a midlife crisis to me, but whatever…). It’ll be interesting to see how the last three episodes of the season go from here. (By the way… Why take a winter break and then have to come back for only three episodes?? Why not just finish airing them with the others??)

On tonight’s episode, “Bridge to Tomorrow,” after Jane jumps from a bridge to save a prosecutor suspected of his murdering his mistress, Maura is terrified that she has lost her best friend. The squad must now renew the search to find the real killer. Meanwhile, Angela enlists Frankie’s help as she applies to new jobs.

See how Jane survives jumping from the bridge tonight on TNT at 9/8c.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 1/18/15

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

scorpion118smallI am really loving Scorpion still, although not so much Ralph’s father being around. I mean, I’m all for him actually BEING a father to Ralph, and I know he won’t actually take Paige to Portland or wherever he’s possibly moving to, since that would mean she’s off the show. But still… Just being there, he’s coming between her and Walter, and I don’t like that. LOL I am digging the cases and the rest of the cast, though. It’s one of my favorite shows of the season, easy, and because of that, I’m thrilled we get an extra episode this week because it’s on tonight after the AFC Wild Card Game. Not only that, but it was just renewed for next season, too, which is fantastic!

On tonight’s episode, “Charades,” Team Scorpion is tasked with uncovering a mole inside the CIA whose judgment is clouded by matters of the heart and is being coerced into stealing deadly chemicals. Also, in preparation for the case, Paige gives Walter a flirting lesson.

See if the team can find the mole tonight on CBS at 10/9c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing Galavant, The Great British Baking Show, Gy’s Grocery Games, The Librarians, Worst Cooks in America, & Cutthroat Kitchen.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 1/12/15

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

eyecandy112smallI don’t ever watch shows on MTV—they just aren’t my types of shows. But when I was writing up the weekly schedule on Saturday, the premise for their newest, Eye Candy, made me sit up and take notice. Based on the best-selling book of the same name by R.L. Stine (who also wrote the “Goosebumps” books), this show is about Lindy, a 21-year-old hacker/tech genius who is able to see clues and connections in the digital world that others can’t. Her roommate persuades her to try online dating, and when she meets one man, she starts to suspect that he’s a deadly cyber stalker. She ends up teaming up with the cyber-crimes unit and some hacker friends to help solve a potential serial killer in Manhattan.

When I first read about it, all I suddenly wanted was Jake 2.0 back. Why that reminded me of that show, I don’t know. LOL Still, Eye Candy (which totally sounds misleading for what the show is about…) looks like it’ll be a great show, so I have my fingers crossed going into tonight’s premiere. The show stars Victoria Justice, Casey Deidrick, Harvey Guillen, John Garet Stoker, & Kiersey Clemons.

On tonight’s episode, “K3U,” in New York to find her abducted sister, a brilliant but shy hacker is urged to try a dating app, where she meets a deadly stalker, only she isn’t sure which date it is, so she reluctantly turns to her ex-boyfriend, who broke her heart, for help.

To see how the series starts, tune in to MTV at 10/9c.
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