Category Archives: If We Controlled Your Remote

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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/12/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

My first pick tonight is the new episode of NCIS: LA. Last week, Callen got news on Anna’s whereabouts from Joelle of all people, and they, along with Sam, Kensi, & Deeks, traveled to Cuba. Anna was apparently working with Joelle to find and take down Volkoff, who also had Callen’s father. Anna, Joelle, and Callen ended up being held by Volkoff, and at first it seemed like Anna and Joelle were killed by him right in front of Callen, but that turned out to be faked by Volkoff. In the end, Anna was shot but was going to be okay. She couldn’t return to the States, though, because even though the CIA & Joelle would clear her name, her face would still be known everywhere. So she went with Joelle and would continue working with her. Callen’s father was shot as well, and though he lived long enough to get back to LA and see both his daughter and grandson, as well as visit the grave of his other daughter who died when she was a child, he ended up dying from an infection. It was a little heartbreaking, watching Callen put the coin on his father’s headstone, but at least they all had a chance to see one another and say goodbye. And finally, a more fitting end couldn’t have come for a better person. Volkoff, who was shot after setting off chlorine gas in the bunker they were all in, which our guys barely escaped from, ended up being trapped in the bunker and dying from the gas.

I’m so excited about tonight’s episode (and next week’s finale) because we’ve got a huge JAG reunion. If you didn’t watch the show when it was originally on, it starred David James Elliott as Harmon “Harm” Rabb Jr., a former pilot turned lawyer who was now working for the military’s Judge Advocate General (ergo: JAG) division. Catherine Bell played alongside him as Lt. Col. Sarah Mackenzie. It started off on NBC, which canceled it after a single season, and then moved to CBS, where it aired for nine more seasons…and saw the spinoff of NCIS, which of course led to all the spinoffs after. Bet NBC is kicking themselves now, aren’t they? LOL Tonight’s episode will feature David James Elliott back as Harm, while Catherine Bell will return in next week’s finale.

On tonight’s episode, “The Guardian,” Callen and Sam travel to the USS Allegiance in the Persian Gulf to work with Navy Captain Harmon “Harm” Rabb, Jr. (David James Elliott)
when the NCIS team uncovers ISIS sympathizers who are targeting military locations. Mercedes Mason returns as DEA Agent Talia Del Campo.

Don’t miss the return of two familiar faces tonight on CBS at 10/9c.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/10/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

My pick tonight has to be the season finale of Blue Bloods. All season long, we’ve been waiting for the Jamie/Eddie wedding, and tonight is it! But first, last week saw the return of Eddie’s incarcerated father, who contacted Jamie and asked him to come visit the prison. Turns out he wanted Jamie to talk to his dad and whoever else and get him a furlough so he could walk Eddie down the aisle. He lied to Jamie about Eddie having been writing him, telling him that’s what she wanted. For a bit, it looked like it was going to happen, but then when Eddie and Jamie went back to talk to him, he called her an angel, and she remembered that he only called her that when he wanted help out of a jam. She claimed he was once again pulling some con and turned and walked out. Guess there will be no Daddy Janko at the wedding!

Elsewhere in the episode, we learned that Nicky, who was graduating college, got a job with the Justice Coalition, which didn’t sit well with the rest of the family, including her mother and grandfather, since they’re usually going up against the NYPD. In the end, Nicky talked to Frank and convinced him that she knew what she was doing. Also, Henry had a package delivered that was then stolen by a “porch pirate,” who turned out to be a neighbor’s drug-addicted granddaughter. Henry and the neighbor seemed to have a little spark, so maybe there will be something more next season? And finally, the case that Danny and Baez worked dealt with really creepy twins, one of who murdered a woman, and when they were caught, they went all creepy with each other and then the alpha twin shot his brother and then himself. Uber creepy story line, really.

On tonight’s episode, “Something Blue,” as Jamie and Eddie’s wedding day approaches, Frank worries about the toast he’ll deliver at their rehearsal dinner. Also, Erin interviews a witness whose story leads her to doubt Eddie’s honesty, since she took his initial statement, and Danny and Baez unravel the complicated love life of a young homicide victim.

See if the wedding goes off without a hitch on tonight’s season finale on CBS at 10/9c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing Last Man Standing, MacGyver, The Cool Kids, & Hawaii Five-0.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/9/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

The Halloween heist episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine are always fun, and tonight, there’s a special heist episode in the same vein, which is why it’s my pick tonight. Last week, Gina contacted Jake and asked him and Terry to come to her place. She’s become an internet superstar “influencer” and hadn’t been in touch much at all since leaving the 99, so Terry was a little upset about it. Jake tried to convince him to give her a chance. When they got there, they had to wait while she filmed some weird “Gina as Moses” bit, but then she told them that she had an appearance coming up and the people behind it were threatening to close it down if she didn’t get a police presence because she’d gotten some death threats. During the guarding, Jake learned Gina had canceled on drinks with them for work and got upset. But in the end, after Gina was stabbed in the back by the husband of a woman who took Gina’s “advice” and left him because he concentrated more on parkour than her, she and Jake made up. Meanwhile, the side stories were Holt convincing Boyle that his son was a genius (when it turned out Nikolaj was just drawing a superhero logo and not solving a big math problem) and Amy trying to convince Rosa she could ask for help when she was trying to handle everything on her own with both of her hands out of commission. Both were fun story lines.

On tonight’s episode, “Cinco de Mayo,” in order to distract Terry from the stress of his upcoming lieutenant’s exam, Jake, Holt, and the squad decide to hold the annual Halloween heist on a new date, Cinco de Mayo.

See who wins this new heist tonight on NBC at 9/8c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing The Big Bang Theory, Beat Bobby Flay, Impractical Jokers, & S.W.A.T.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/8/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice

Tonight is the season finale of both The Goldbergs and its spinoff, Schooled on ABC. This season on The Goldbergs, Erica has been lost, after she dropped out of college and her dreams of becoming a professional singer fell flat. Just in the last few weeks, she made the decision to go back to college. And Barry, who has been a goof his whole life but who finally realized he wants to be a doctor, finally put his butt in gear and did what he needed to do to apply to colleges. Last week, they found out both had been accepted into Penn, and that caused a lot of stress between the two. Barry was happy because he thought it was going to be his time to shine without being in Erica’s shadow, but Erica was excited because she’d been worried Penn wouldn’t accept her after her year of failure. In the end, they decided the campus was big enough for both of them. Meanwhile last week, Adam told Beverly he hated her after she tried to get him to pose with her for a Mother’s Day photo after Barry and Erica wiggled their way out of it. Adam went to see Willow with Dave Kim instead, and Beverly told him she was done with him. She didn’t wake him for school and didn’t remind him to wear his glasses, so he was late and his lazy eye creeped everyone out. In the end, of course, they made up. Tonight is Barry’s graduation. They made it work with Erica after she graduated, but how will they conceivably make it where Adam is the only kid left? It hasn’t been renewed yet, but it should be, so it’ll be interesting to see where they take it!

Then on Schooled, it’s taken a while, but Lainey’s turned out to be a decent teacher, even though I’m still not sure how she was qualified to be hired in the first place! Last week, Coach Mellor and Ms. Taraborelli were at odds when a computer was brought in and they talked about putting together a school website. Glascott tried to bring them together, and in the end, it all worked out and a great website went up. But also, Lainey worked with a female student on a song for the talent show, but the girl was really shy and could only sing alone if Lainey were there. Unfortunately, Lainey was planning to skip the talent show in order to perform at a local show in order to get noticed herself. It was no surprise when she showed up at the talent show just in time for her student. And CB was going to tell her how he felt, but when he and Lainey walked out of the school together…Barry was suddenly there to surprise her. That’ll be interesting going into tonight’s season finale, especially since the show hasn’t been renewed and it could go either way! I love CB, but I mean…is there anyone who isn’t rooting for Barry and Lainey??

On tonight’s The Goldbergs, “Breakin’,” when Adam unintentionally lets it slip that Barry never completed his community service requirement, the brothers join together to throw the greatest breakdancing battle in the history of William Penn. Geoff’s stress levels are at an all-time high, so Erica makes an adult decision and plans for them to follow the Grateful Dead all summer. Finally, it’s the end of an era when the JTP graduates from high school.

Then on tonight’s Schooled, “Dr. Barry,” after initially trying to sabotage him, CB works with Barry and the JTP to help him win back Lainey’s heart. Meanwhile, Glascott faces removal as principal after a prank damages William Penn Academy.

Don’t miss the (hopefully just season) finales tonight on ABC starting at 8/7c.

I’ll also be watching/DVRing Chicago Med, The Amazing Race, Chicago Fire, Dinner Takes All, Gone, Guy’s Grocery Games, Modern Family, Single Parents, Best Room Wins, Chicago PD, SEAL Team, & Whiskey Cavalier.
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If We Controlled Your Remote… 5/3/19

Have you ever been at a loss as to what to watch? Too many shows to pick from? We’re here to give you our opinions on what we feel is worth watching. Check it out and then let us know in the comments below what you’re choosing for tonight!

Jenny’s Choice #1

My first pick tonight is Dead to Me, the new dark comedy on Netflix. Christina Applegate (Samantha Who?, Jesse, Married with Children) and Linda Cardellini (ER, Freaks & Geeks, Bloodline) star as Jen and Judy. Jen (Applegate) was recently widowed after her husband was killed by a hit-and-run driver. Judy (Cardellini) is an optimistic free spirit who also recently suffered her own tragic loss. They meet each other at a support group and become unlikely friends, despite their polar-opposite personalities. They bond over wine, Entenmann’s cookies, and a shared like of The Facts of Life, but a secret looms of them that Judy tries to shield Jen from. It also stars Ed Asner, Diana Maria Riva (Gates, Telenovela), James Marsden (Westworld), Luke Roessler, Max Jenkins (The Mysteries of Laura), & Sam McCarthy.

The trailer looks really funny, but it’s indeed dark – Judy looks to have her own secrets and seems to be a little (or…a lot) crazy. It’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out!

Check out the whole first season now on Netflix!
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